This course is designed for anyone who has been using Lightroom Classic CC, referred to as Lightroom from now on, and wants to speed up their workflow and utilise the more advanced features of Lightroom. Please use the before/after slider on the images at the bottom of this page, all of which were edited in Lightroom. See bottom of page for further details about the course .
This course will cover
What Lightroom is and isn’t
Setting up Lightroom to make the most of your laptop screen
Keyboard Short Cuts - The ones I think you should know and how to find the rest of them
The Library Module
Using Presets when Importing your images
Grid/Loupe and Survey View - When to use them and why I never use Compare View
Organising - Folders, Collections, Smart collections - When/How and Why to use them
Beyond the Develop Module
Hue/Saturation/Luminance (HSL)
Tone Curve
Split Toning - Colour and B&W
Using brushes to make or refine selections
What do the Adjustment Brush presets do and creating your own
Lens corrections - Most importantly when to use it.
Getting your images from LR into PS and back again
Non-destructive Image editing in PS vs LR
Selection Tools
Compositing several images together
Speeding up your workflow
Presets and Profiles - What’s the difference
How to create useful Presets
Why you shouldn’t waste money and time on buying Presets
Batch processing - Why I don’t use Auto-sync
You will need to bring a laptop, with a version of Lightroom CC Classic on it, a mouse, memory stick, pen and paper for taking notes. You will be expected to have some basic laptop knowledge. Attending this course presumes that you have been using LR to some degree to process your images, look at what is covered in our Introduction to LR workshop and if you recognise and use most of what is talked about there then this is the course for you, if not then please do the Introduction to LR Workshop.
This course takes place in Tunbridge Wells.
If you do not have a laptop please let us know and we will contact you to let you know when we will be running our next course at a location that has a computer suite for us to use.